What is Reiki?

Spiritual & Natural Healing

Reiki is a natural healing technique that clears energy blocks in your chakras to allow fluid energy to flow. Reiki can help alleviate anxiety and stress, as well as improve your overall quality of life.

Reiki, founded by Mikao Usui, is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki is taught from a Reiki Master Teacher who attunes Reiki students at various levels.

Reiki works by using the universal life force energy to flow from the practitioner to the person receiving services.

The practitioner will gently hover their hands or lightly touch in various positions that cover the body from head to toe.

Reiki is NOT a religion.

No specific religious beliefs are necessary.

Reiki is spiritual and allows you to have a deeper connection to yourself.

Reiki with Miya works to customize your session to focus on areas of blockage by providing recommendations for continued healing at home.